Hi there!

I’m Kaylyn, and my purpose as a Mindful Wellness Coach is to help you with:

  • stress and anxiety reduction

  • burnout recovery and prevention

  • diet and lifestyle changes

I provide a safe, trauma-informed space to explore the changes you want to make. I use empathy, positive affirmations, and gentle accountability to empower you to create outcomes that improve your life.

If you feel burned out, stressed, or anxious, you’re not alone.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that 44% of employees feel burned out, 30% often feel stressed, and 22% often feel anxious (2024). What’s more, neurodivergent people may be particularly susceptible to professional burnout due to the additional factors of masking and adapting to neurotypical expectations. Gender, age, occupation, identity, and other factors can increase the risk of burnout due to additional stressors.

Does this sound like you?

I can support your goals in…

Managing Stress

The pressure and overwhelm from the stress of life impacts people differently, and it can be heightened for highly sensitive people and those with demanding jobs and personal responsibilities. When stress is chronic (over a long period of time) it damages our body and mind, leaving behind cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral signs.

Chronic stress is linked to…

  • chronic illness (i.e. hypertension, heart disease)

  • substance abuse and behavioral addiction

  • depression and anxiety

Stress management includes…

  • diet and lifestyle changes

  • building stress reduction skills

  • time management and goal setting

Recovering from Burnout

When facing prolonged stress from a particular area of life, the result can be burnout which can leave you feeling exhausted, unable to cope, and depleted. Burnout, unlike depression, tends to occur in direct relation to the stress of caregiving, school, work, relationships, or financial challenges and when engaging with these activities.

Burnout signs and symptoms…

  • headaches, poor digestion, and sleep issues

  • difficulty concentrating and loss of interest

  • emotional exhaustion and inability to cope

Burnout recovery includes…

  • diet and lifestyle changes

  • relaxation techniques (i.e. yoga, meditation)

  • boundary setting and resourcing

Preventing Chronic Illness

Any healing crisis will direct attention to the way we do or do not nourish our body, mind, and spirit. The food we eat becomes who we are, and this can be said of any other mediums that we consume, be it harmful content or toxic relationships. I bet you probably know what is healthy for you, and together we will support you in consistently and consciously choosing health.

Diet and lifestyle influences…

  • development of chronic illness

  • overall health and treatment outcomes

  • psychological well-being

Chronic illness prevention includes…

  • eating a balanced diet

  • regular physical activity

  • mindfulness practices

I combine empathy with expertise that you can trust.

After years of getting feedback from friends and colleagues that I am a skilled listener who brings kindness to every situation, I’ve come to understand that empathy is my superpower. In addition to expertise in health and wellness coaching, I offer my own experience managing stress and anxiety as a highly sensitive person. I am knowledgeable in a variety of holistic wellness modalities including mindfulness, yoga, functional nutrition, and herbal supplementation and may draw upon these and other resources to support your unique health goals.


  • Mindbodygreen Health & Wellness Coach (current)

  • Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism (current)

  • RYT 200, Yoga Pearl, Boulder, CO

  • MS, Food Science, Oregon State University

  • BS, Biochemistry, Colorado State University


  • 10 years working in academic and corporate education

  • 100+ hours of mindfulness training with a Buddhist monk

  • 30 hours of restorative yoga teacher training

  • 10 hours of trauma-informed care (TIC) training

  • Joyful survivor of relational trauma