Mindful Coaching for Health & Wellness

Manage stress, burnout, and healthy lifestyle changes with compassion.

I help highly sensitive people (HSP) and busy professionals manage stress and develop wellness strategies, so they can prevent and recover from burnout.

Nature is natural and so are you.

Chronic stress and burnout are not.

Curate a more meaningful life and rediscover your capacity to make change.

  • One-on-One Coaching for Your Most Vital Self

    Whole Nourishment Coaching packages are a personalized 3-month container for you to explore your inner motivations, practice making small changes that align with your values, and take confident and aligned action towards your goals. Designed for those seeking more balance, greater energy, reduced stress, or improved health outcomes, these sessions offer a practical, supportive, and highly customized space to make positive change.


  • Learn Health & Wellness Practices in Community

    Our Gentle Roots Workshops are thoughtfully designed gatherings that invite you to explore various health and wellness topics such as nutrition, movement, and creativity in a supportive, small-group setting. Each workshop is a blend of hands-on activities, reflection, and interactive learning, offering you evidence-based tools to nurture balance and connect more deeply with yourself and others.


  • Educational Resources for Wellness Practitioners

    Visit our archive of educational content including free blog articles, downloadable resources, and e-books for purchase. Intended for those seeking a specific wellness topic or practice to learn about and incorporate. This is a great place to start (or stay) if you’re not sure if coaching is a good fit for you!